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Instructor of Record

Forensic Entomology (FSC2008). Curry College.

Introduction to the Forensic Sciences (FSC1010). Curry College.

Field Ecology (BIOL2310). Curry College.

Crime Laboratory (FSC3700). Curry College.

Forensic Science Senior Seminar (FSC3900). Curry College.

Introduction to Organisms (BIOL1055). Curry College.

General Biology II with Lab (BIO112) Spring 2021-Summer 2022. Quincy College.

Introduction to Forensic Science with Lab (CHE103) Fall 2021-Summer 2022. Quincy College.


Developed Courses

Field Ecology (BIOL2310)- The course will consider the interrelationships of living things and their environment. Special attention will be given to the experimental demonstration of these interrelationships in various types of habitats. Specific topics to be covered will include old field succession, lake succession, species diversity, primary productivity, and tide pool ecology.


Decomposition Ecology (ENTO689)- Graduate level ecology course exploring the major players, ecological interactions, and many applications in decomposing plants, animals, and animal wastes. At the conclusion of the course, students will be able to create and describe in detail how a plant/animal/waste decomposes and reconstruct the complex interactions of organisms around it. Projected: Spring 2022 at Texas A&M University.

Forensic Entomology Online- Six week undergraduate level crash course on the biology, and taxonomy of forensically related insects with training in writing case reports. Students are given a case at the conclusion of the course, where they will write a report and defend it as the lead investigator. Summer 2019.

Invited Lectures

Ecology Enhances Forensic Science: Spring 2021 at Texas A&M University. Fall 2021 at Indiana University of Pennsylvania

The Science of Forensic Entomology: Conducted six invited lectures including "Introduction to Arthropod Orders", "Pathology", "Cues and Signals: Chemical Ecology", and "Entomotoxicology". Spring 2020. In addition to "Oh that Smells: Chemical Cues and Signals" and "Entomotoxicology". Spring 2021. Texas A&M University.

Veterinary Entomology: One lecture on the biology of blow flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and their economic and veterinary importance. Fall 2019. Texas A&M University.

Introduction to Forensic Science: Forensic Anthropology, Three- Part series teaching undergraduates the basics in forensic anthropology and how to estimate height, ancestry, age, and sex. Fall 2019. Texas A&M University.

Youth Adventure Program: Forensic and Investigative Sciences: Taught high school students Anthropology, Blood Spatter, Hair and Fiber, and Handwriting analyses. Summer 2017-2019. Texas A&M University.


Teaching Assistantship

Forensic Microscopy. Fall 2021. Texas A&M University

The Science of Forensic Entomology. Spring 2021. Texas A&M University

Forensic Soil Science. Fall 2020. Texas A&M University.

Forensic Impression Evidence. Fall 2020. Texas A&M University.

Applied Forensic Entomology. Spring 2020 & 2021. Texas A&M University.

Crime Scene Investigation. Spring 2020 & 2021. Texas A&M University.

Forensic Science Seminar. Spring 2020. Texas A&M University.

Veterinary Entomology. Fall 2019. Texas A&M University.

Medical Entomology. Fall 2019 & 2021. Texas A&M University.

Forensic Investigations Online. Fall 2019 & Spring 2020. Texas A&M University.

Introduction to Forensic Science. Fall 2019. Texas A&M University.

Sawyer Presenting Research.jpg

Professional Development

Quality Matters. March 2021. Designed to train faculty in developing well structured courses to improve student learning outcomes in online courses. Quality Matters in collaboration with Quincy College.

Perspectives on Diversity and Inclusion in Forensic Science. February 2021. Designed to establish where improvements need to be made to allow for inclusivity in the forensic sciences and beyond. American Academy of the Forensic Sciences.

Academy of Future Faculty. August 2019- October 2021. Program committed to prepare teaching philosophies, teaching portfolios, and course development to better prepare for faculty positions, CIRTL Texas A&M University.

An Introduction to Evidence-Based Undergraduate STEM Teaching. Summer 2019. To create a classroom environment using evidence-based teaching and development practices in STEM classrooms, CIRTL MOOC.

Teaching Assistant Institute (TAI). Summer 2019. To effectively educate and support higher education for undergraduate students, Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) Texas A&M University.

Learning to Teach Online. June 2019. To develop and execute effective teaching practices for online learning, Linked-In Learning (

Teaching Techniques: Blended Learning. June 2019. Incorporating hybrid style teaching practices, and incorporating technology in the classroom, Linked-In Learning (

Teaching Techniques: Course Development. June 2019. Focusing on backwards design and blooms taxonomy to effectively develop a curriculum, Linked-In Learning (

Mentoring Undergraduates in Research: A Workshop for Graduate Students. May 2018. To develop effective strategies for graduate Students when mentoring undergraduate researchers, Texas A&M University Center for Teaching Excellence.

Academic Service

Academic Committees Served

Forensic Science Program Coordinator. Summer 2023 -Fall 2024.

Undergraduate Academic Policy Committee (UAPC). Member. Fall 2023-Fall 2024.

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Interdisciplinary Program Communications Committee. Co-Chair September 2019-July 2021.

North American Forensic Entomology Association Annual Meeting Planning Committee. 2019-2021.

Aggie Women in Entomology. Director of Communications 2020- 2021.

Ecological Integration Symposium Planning Committee. Member 2018-2020. President 2019-2020.

Academic Consulting

Statistical Understanding Fellows Advisory Board. Curry College. 2024

Academic Journals Served

Associate Editor

Food Webs. 2022-Present


Insects. 2023, 2024

Journal of Medical Entomology. 2022.

Food Webs. 2021

Journal of Clinical and Health Sciences. 2021.

Graduate Student Committees Served

Ashley Martinez-Rojas. Masters Student, Boston University

Sienna McPeek. PhD Student, Texas A&M University

Outreach Events

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